Friday, December 24, 2010

How To: Successfully Buy/Give Gifts

1. When shopping for a Christmas present, make sure you have money. Otherwise, you're not going to make any progress. *
2. Everybody*** loves chocolate. So load up!
3. Now that you have half of your present taken care of, you must find a gift that resembles or reminds you of your present recipient. ****
4. Once you have your present you must wrap it.
5. It is inevitable that you find an enormous box to place your present in, that way the person who receives the present will be seriously impressed with the size of the gift.
6. When picking out a wrapping paper you must find the right paper that will accent the giant box for the gift. ******
7. Now that your present is legit, you may give it to your desired present receiver. *******

*Unless you are aware of the five finger discount. **
**Highly unsuggested.
***If one of your present recipients do not, in fact like chocolate, then they can gtfo.
****This can range from anything from a piece of jewelry to a Miley Cyrus CD.*****
*****Hopefully not the Miley Cyrus CD.
******Therefore, the gift wrap must be badass. Examples of badass wrapping paper are themes such as, Pokemon, My Little Pony, Mario Bros., or Hot Wheels.
*******It is suggested that you present the gift with a [Christmas] song and/or dance.

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