Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How To: Be a Dino (aka, Dinosaur)

1. Tap into your most prehistoric behaviours by finding the true roots of your dinosaur roar (/ mating call)*
2. Depending on your diet preferance, you must hunt accordingly. (Herbivore, Omnivore, Carnivore)
3. Even if you choose to be a herbivore, you are still a dinosaur. Therefore, you need to man up and eat some MEAT.**
4. To catch your prey, you must use your mating call to attract lonely dinos/prey***
5. Lead the dino-prey on, but just enough to be your friend. And only your friend. (However, thye may think otherwise).
6. Once your prey has been sufficiently wooed, you may now pounce.
7. Battle for life and extinction will ensue. Ultimatley that you will prevail.
8. After eating your meal of scumptious other-dino, you now need to burn off those calories... (For How To: Burn Off Dino Calories... see step 9.)
9. Join every intramural team.
10. Name your team "The Raptorz"****
11. Continue your innocent life as a dino until you are eliminated (or not) by extinction.*****

*You can do this by taking off all of your clothes and placing claws in the air, and releasing the most alluring, yet masculatory noise of your life.
**Tofu does not count as a substitute.
***All dinos need friends.
****Even if you are not a raptor, they are the dominate species, and therefore must be the name of your team. (for more of a "G" attitude, you may add a "Z" to the end of your team name).
*****See up coming how to on How To: Not Get Eliminated by Extinction.

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