Sunday, November 15, 2009

How To: Make the Most Out of Your Birthday

1. Create and present a birthday speach.*
2. Flaunt all your gifts to everyone you know.**
3. If you have not received a gift from a certain family member, simply manipulate them into doing whatever you want them to, because after all, you got them a present for their birthday.***
4. Wear a birthday hat, so that everyone knows it is legitimately your birthday****
5. Go out for birthday breakfast, lunch and dinner.*****
6. Once home, take advantage of your birthday-ness by doing everything that you normally can`t and do things that are unnecessary, just for the sake of not getting in trouble since it is your birthday.
7. When receiving your birthday cake, make sure there is enough candles to match your new age. If the cake maker got lazy and only gave your one or not enough candles, refuse to look at the cake (and cake maker) until there is a correct amount.
8. Congradulations, you have officially made the most out of your birthday.******

*Creating a speach may be difficult, so here is a guide line of a good birthday speach: ``hey bitchez, itz MY bday so u best not b messin wit me. i want my prezzies wrapped and my cards enveloped nd they bttr b comin all day cuz imma bday gurl 2day.``
**Do not over-flaunt to sketchy people, as they may steal your beloved posession(s). TIP: avoid people with mustaches, including your own father (or mother) if he (or she) has one.
***This may not work as thoroughly if you did not get them a present for their birthday.
****Make sure to wear the hat from 12am to 11:59pm to fully embrace your birthday hours.
*****When at the restaurant, demand that you recieve a birthday discount on your meal(s). If the waiter questions that it is actually your birthday, simply gesture towards your birthday hat.
******Warning: many people may hate you tomorrow.

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